Monday, January 23, 2012

Home Inspections

Once you have found the perfect home it is time to think about getting a home inspection performed.  There are numerous types of home inspections one could have done to a home.  In South Carolina the two most prevalent are the termite inspection and the general home inspection.

It is highly recommended that you get the home inspected for termites.  Costs in the Summerville area and the Charleston area can run $100 to $150 and it is generally paid for by the seller.  This article will focus on the general home inspection, which is generally paid for by the buyer. The price of a home inspection varies from $250 to $400 depending on the size of the home and the home inspection professional you choose and it is worth every penny.  Why:

Your home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make and you want to know as much about it as you can.  Many of the components and mechanicals in the home are not readily visible.  And you want to know as much as you can up front before you finalize the purchase.  Not knowing everything you can about it would be like investing $200,000 in a stock you know nothing about. It just doesn't make sense financially. It's important to know the details behind the investment and if you will need to put any more money into the home once you own it. Even if you love the home and it looks perfect, not knowing its overall condition can cost you even more money down the line.  Knowing there is a problem now may save you thousands later.  You don’t want surprises.  Your Realtor will be happy to recommend a few licensed and insured inspectors for you to choose from. 

Make sure you attend the inspection and follow your inspector through the home and make notes as to what may need to be fixed. A good inspector knows what to look for and should educate you on the condition and how all the home’s mechanical systems operate.  Knowing if there is a problem with something ahead of time gives you the option of asking the sellers to fix or replace it, or how much it will cost for you to do it yourself after you purchase the home. If seller is not willing to fix the issue, you may be able to back out of the deal.  Your realtor will advise you of your options.

Knowing all you can about the home gives you great negotiating leverage. If the home does need repair, you can ask for it in the inspection contingency of the purchase offer. There are several ways to go about this. You can ask that the seller fix the issues, provides money for you to do so after the purchase or drops the price of the home to cover the repair cost after purchase. The seller can also come back with terms such as "I will fix this but not that". Then the ball is back in your court as to how to respond.  Your Realtor will help you with the negotiations.

Although having an inspection of a pre-owned home is most advisable, don’t negate having an inspection conducted on a newly constructed home.   Builders can sometimes miss things during the construction process.  So even though most new construction is warranted for a certain period of time, it still pays to insure everything is operational and up to building code. 

Bill Milo
AgentOwned Realty

1 comment:

  1. The presence of winged bugs and mud canals within your premises indicates that there is already a termite infestation.I always hate termites.
    termite control los angeles
